Chemical Accidents Prevention is one of the measures for preventing accidents involving dangerous substances established for all Seveso operators.
Seveso operator, i.e. facility which in operating activities has or can have dangerous substances in equal or higher quantities then proscribed, is a technical unit inside the complex where dangerous substances are produced, used, stored or handled. The facility includes all equipment, buildings, pipelines, machines, tools, internal tracks and depots, docks, unloading facilities, warehouses, or similar constructions, on water or land, which are required for operating the facility.
Fulfill your legal obligations on time and implement the new set of regulations in the field of chemical accident prevention (Seveso II Directive).
In June 2010 new legal acts in the field of chemical accidents were adopted, defining the criteria, content, methodology and respective deadlines for implementation. By adopting those regulations, the Regulation on methodology for chemical accident risk assessment and environmental pollution, preparation measures and measures for elimination of consequences (Official gazette of RS no. 60/94, 63/94) stopped to be valid.
Verify if you are Seveso operator.
The operators of Seveso facilities or complexes are obliged to undertake all the necessary measures to prevent chemical accidents and to limit the impact of the accidents to human health and environment in order to create conditions for risk management. The operators of Seveso facilities are defined by Regulation on list of dangerous substances and their quantity and criteria for determining type of document which is made by Seveso facility or complex operator (Official gazette no. 41/2010) and Guideline for determining type of document prepared by Seveso operator (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, August 2010). This Regulation defines operators which are not Seveso facilities or complexes, and which are Seveso facilities of lower and higher tier. Lower tier Seveso operators are obliged to establish Accident Prevention Policy. Higher tier Seveso operators are obliged to establish Safety Management Report and Internal Emergency Plan.
Provide Notification on Seveso facility or complex.
Notification on Seveso facility or complex is defined by Regulation on content of notification on new Seveso facility or complex, existing Seveso facility or complex, and on permanent closure of of Seveso facility or complex (Official gazette of RS no. 41/2010) and Guideline for operators on filling the Notification on new Seveso facility or complex, existing Seveso facility or complex, and on closure of Seveso facility or complex (Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, August 2010).
Prepare necessary documents in the field of chemical accident prevention.
Operator of Seveso facility or complex is obliged to prepare Accident Prevention Policy or Safety Management Report and Internal Emergency Plan, depending on quantities of dangerous substances used in its activities and to take measures for chemical accident prevention and limiting the impact of accident on human health and environment, defined by these documents. The content and methodology for preparing these documents is defined by the Regulation on content of Policy for accident prevention and content and methodology of preparing the Safety Management Report and Internal Emergency Plan (Official gazette of RS no. 41/2010). Lower tier Seveso operators are obliged to design Accident Prevention Policy and higher tier Seveso operators are obliged to design Safety Management Report and Internal Emergency Plan.
Prepare Internal Emergency Plans.
at facility or complex level, and prepare the data sets required for preparing the plans on higher level by the competent authority and local self-government units.
Update your previously prepared documents.
(Chemical Accident Risk Assessment and Internal Emergency Plan) in compliance with new legislation in the easiest way, accommodating the taking place in your company: changes of production processes, reconstruction, organizational changes as well as changes in applicable legal framework.