Hydrogeological investigations

Reduce operational costs by extraction of groundwater at your facilities.
Our team of experienced hydrogeologists would define possibilities for groundwater extraction at your facilities. If groundwater can be cost effectively extracted we would prepare all required studies, designs, and installations in order to deliver you the water in required quantity, meeting the needs of your technological processes and on-site operations. Reduction of your operational costs would be generated by switching from public water supply to your own and independent water source.

If you need more groundwater then you currently extract by your existing water supply wells, we would evaluate the possibilities for increasing the pumped quantities and propose possible upgrades to existing water supply installations or install new water supply wells, following the highest professional standards.


Protect groundwater resources from impacts originating at your industrial facilities.
If there is a potential risk of ground water contamination by the on site sources we can assess the baseline conditions, determine the level of existing impacts, evaluate the risk of groundwater contamination and propose and implement groundwater protection measures. This will significantly reduce the risk for groundwater contamination and your potential liabilities for degradation of the environment.
Identify all legal environmental non-compliances of current or past operations.
Findings of documentation review, interviews with site owners, site visits and results of sampling and laboratory analyses of environmental media shall be looked upon in the broad context of applicable environmental guidelines, standards and regulations, both local and international. Our access to systematized, comprehensive and searchable legal data bases, combined with in-depth knowledge of our experienced environmental and legal experts ensures identification of all legal non-compliances that might impact planned investment. We will help you identify and allocate environmental liabilities.
Document extent of possible groundwater contamination as a part of Mergers and Acquisitions.
By performing ground water investigation works, that might include installation of monitoring wells, sampling, monitoring, ground water modeling, etc., our fully equipped and well experienced site investigation team would document extent and nature of possible contamination at the subject site. This would allow you to allocate related environmental liabilities to past owner, and establish the quantitative basis for proposing further activities for reducing related human health and environmental risks.
Ensure legal compliance of groundwater extraction at your facilities.
We would perform all required activities to ensure legal compliance of groundwater use at your facility. Our team will prepare all technical/design documents required for obtaining and renewal of groundwater extraction permit according to the top technical standards. This would include:
  • Design and performance of for hydrogeological investigation works
  • Design and installation of water supply wells
  • Determining the groundwater reserves
  • Determining the wellhead protection zones
  • Optimization of groundwater extraction schemes.
Integrated environmental solutions